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RayGuard USA

HumanFireWall USA

                                                                     SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN

International studies have proven the preventative and calming effects of the Phone Chip.  Smarter technology blood test proven using RayGuard Device

RayGuard phone chips effectively reduce Electromagnetic Disturbances emitted from all digital devices including cell phones that emit Electro Magnetic Frequencies (EMF) Cell Phones transmit radio waves in all directions and tests have proven that cell phones disrupt blood flow and have the potential to do harm.

               ABOUT RAYGUARD USA

                           SWISS INNOVATION

Penergetic & RayGuard


Two technologies are used to manufacture the phone chip; one developed by Penergetic International AG, the other by RayGuard.


RayGuard is a technology that uses a specific mix of minerals, usually for harmonizing radiation. The mixture of minerals absorbs and split impacting electromagnetic rays. The process is comparable to a polarization filter.


Our method is based on the theory of naturally occurring spins, which has been the frequent subject of scientific discussion. According to the theory, every organism possesses its own spin, i.e. its own rotation and its own biomagnetic field. Penergetic has developed a process that makes it possible to “program” those specific spins onto a carrier material. The carrier material constantly emits this information to its surrounding area (at a field strength range of 10-12 Pico-Teslas). Organisms (humans) in the area can benefit from this information.



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